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Sad Girl Diaries
Jun 11, 20247 min read
My Mother and My Belly | Emily Brochin
My mother stands by the counter of her kitchen pointing to her belly. I am visiting her for three weeks and am prepared to clock in as...
Jun 9, 20242 min read
Distracted | Liz deBeer
Sitting under an umbrella to reduce the glare, I’m trying to read on the beach. But I keep getting distracted by my cellulite; it’s more...
Jun 8, 20244 min read
Catching Up | Sydney Atwood
We used to walk along the beach at sunset, our hands sticky from selling overpriced lemonade and our cheeks burnt from applying small...
Jun 5, 20241 min read
I surely deserve it | Ursula Shepherd
A long languid breakfast pancakes with sausages blueberries dripping in honey-rich syrup oh, I surely deserve it — luscious black coffee...
Jun 2, 20241 min read
In the beginning, she was very old | Bianca Pina
She carried her mother's pain as a dolly stroking its face, whispering hush in its ear. She unclipped her purse and emptied handfuls of...
May 30, 20241 min read
Problem Solving | Hannah Page
As a shell-shocked shell-shaped whorl of a girl, I rock forward into your arms like falling off something, a logor a jigger filled with...
May 27, 202414 min read
The after life | Becca Leonard
In most of my memories, he’s two-dimensional. Pressed flat. Like a character, or hologram, or specter. A smudge of mood and anger. As...
May 24, 20241 min read
Chew on that, why don’t you? | Kristen Bales
I roll your indecency on my tongue. Like a wad of gum. Something to chew on, And then spit out. But the aftertaste, Fresh and stinging as...
May 21, 20242 min read
Too Young | Lex Marie
They like to tell me I’m too young to sit with them at dinnertime I’m seventeen — grouped with kids who crack suicide jokes and laugh...
May 18, 20244 min read
Pumpkin Bread | Wendy Palmer
There’s a loaf of pumpkin bread in my husband’s backpack but the backpack’s gone and so is he. A quick walk around the the block he said,...
May 15, 20243 min read
The Griffin | Kara Melissa
The griffin, griffon, or gryphon is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle;...
May 12, 20241 min read
emotional labor (a Sunday evening) | Emma Zuder
how is it that i make clean and put away the dishes? dirty-clean laundry piles up on the creaky wooden slab, day-old groceries patient in...
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