Wind pulls at the Dogwood branches
like travel photos of influencers holding
their lover’s hand. Follow me—I think
that’s the idea? Like and subscribe. Anything
except join me, be with me. The flowers
are gone their blushing faces fell weeks ago
seduced by the breeze and rains between
spring and summer, the liminal showers,
the not-quite cold not-quite warm, the perfect
showers. The sun behind the oak tree behind
the neighbor’s house behind the Dogwood filters
prepositionally onto the porch the peeling painted-
over concrete where Grizzly lays to cool off.
What is it, to be wanted? To be pulled towards?
The porch pulls me out of bed, to sit in its shade.
Alexandra McIntosh lives and writes in Kentucky, her favorite place in the world. She received her B.A. from Asbury University, her M.A. in English from Northern Kentucky University, and her MFA in Poetry from Miami University. Her poetry and creative nonfiction can be found in publications including The Raw Art Review, Broad River Review, and Allegory Ridge. Her first collection "Bowlfuls of Blue" is forthcoming from Assure Press Publishing later this year. You can find links to her publications and pictures of her dog on her website