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A Hot Tub - Katie Johnson

threaten my primal safety / cloud

the new moon then blow naked /

penetrate / slip into round belly /

the steaming warmth going away

/ armor of tight places in me / I

held my truth / other’s energies

cling to me / vapor essence / my

gaze rises toward a reminder of

my place / I forget / lost now in his

massive night / hunt / find home


Katie Johnson is a born resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, who has lived a good chunk of their life in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They earned their BA in Creative Writing and Literature from the Santa Fe University of Art and Design. Their first published work of short fiction, "All Eyes," can be found in the Santa Fe Noir collection, distributed by Akashic Books. They are often roaming the woods and performing in drag. More of their art can be found at @bloodjarbasil.


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