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The Shortest Distance - Ranjith Sivaraman

'Which path has the shortest distance

To reach you?’ my beloved asked.

Like the calm sea assimilating a fresh river

I stood cold looking into her deep eyes.

Even the Neelakurinji* seldom knows

The path of spring and blooms in 12 years of blue.

Even the Hornbill** seldom knows

The path of first raindrop and ends it’s wait.

'Drop by drop, cell by cell, breath by breath

I was dissolving in you, melting into you'.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

At that moment in the west

Wounded sun was again disappearing

Into the calm sea.


Neelakurinji*- A flower which blooms once in twelve years can be seen on the hill ranges of Munnar in Idukki district of Kerala, India.

Great Hornbill**- Indian Grey Hornbill is symbolic with the endless wait for Rain, (A belief in the State of Kerala)


Ranjith Sivaraman is from Kerala, a small state in India. He is a literature lover and fan of Poetry. Even though he read poetry most of his life, he started writing very recently. He is an ardent fan of Sara Teasdale, Sylvia Plath, and Dorothy Parker.


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